Research Projects


I am a co-investigator of an open-source research project which aims to build an operating system known as Stardust that supports the deployment of Cloud services. Stardust is a Library Operating System (LibOS) that permits a service to execute in a virtual, light-weight and secure environment on top of a hypervisor. It also features a multi-core pre-emptive scheduler, provides common device drivers and relies on standard libraries that supports a number of computer programming languages including C, C++ and Java. This project is now being used in supporting the teaching and research activities at the University of St Andrews. I also contributed to related projects including Stardust-oxide which is a Rust-based Unikernel and Duster which is a small debugger for para-virtualised Unikernels written in C that run on the Xen hypervisor.

Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing

During my doctoral studies, I engineered a decentralised service orchestration system for managing data-intensive workflows. Using a heuristic approach that relies on real-time analysis of the network condition, this system provides the ability to split workflows into smaller parts then be deployed onto the most appropriate network locations for execution in order to reduce the overall data transfer between distributed resources and improve performance. I also designed a functional data coordination programming language that permits data flows between distributed services to be specified using high-level abstractions. This enables workflows written in this language to be translated using a generative compiler into a highly scalable form which consists of smaller executable components that can be transmitted to remote locations for execution. The language compiler provides the ability to detect parallelism automatically by analysing the data flow dependencies between computational tasks. The design of this language has been published in peer-reviewed academic articles and documented in my doctoral thesis.

Research Grant

Selected Publications
